Saturday, April 2, 2011

The How to Covert Hypnosis Guide

No doubt you have a number of how to covert hypnosis questions. How to hypnotize someone discreetly, outside of their conscious awareness, how to make people do anything you tell them to. These are all common questions that people ask when finding out about covert hypnosis.

The first thing that you must understand in order to use covert hypnosis is just how the mind operates. This is what's known as the 'theory of mind'. The theory of mind is basically an explanation for how the mind enters into a state of trance, and responds to hypnotic suggestions.

The mind is basically divided into two main parts, the conscious and the subconscious. Suggestions that we make to someone when they're in hypnosis are sent from their conscious into their subconscious.

When we enter into hypnosis we basically enter into a state known as a 'trance'. A trance is a state our mind enters whereby it becomes susceptible to external suggestions and influence. The type of suggestions we respond to when in this state of trance depends greatly upon just how deep in hypnosis we are.

The deeper we fall into hypnosis you see, the more vulnerable we become to external suggestions. This is what's known as 'deepening', and a well trained hypnotist will be able to guide a subject so deep into hypnosis, that the subject would be willing to do almost anything, provided the action does not go against the subject's fundamental morals and beliefs (in hypnosis, we cannot ever convince someone to do anything against their fundamental morals and beliefs).

Now all covert hypnosis is, is a matter of applying these same techniques of guiding someone into a trance, and planting suggestions within their subconscious, in a discreet setting. You do this outside of the person's consciousness, bypassing what's known as the 'critical mind'. The critical mind is the part of the conscious mind that critically analysed everything. If you can plant your suggestions in a subtle enough manner so that the person does not even realise you planted such suggestions, then the person will not have any knowledge that you're hypnotising them.

This is essentially how covert hypnosis works, but of course the theory behind it, and the techniques you learn to apply it, are considerably more in-depth. Hopefully you've found this 'how to covert hypnosis guide' to answer a couple of your questions on just exactly what covert hypnosis is, and how it works.

Steven Peliari is a Master Hypnotist and Chairman of the International Hypnosis Association. He has recently released his famed best selling course The Art Of Covert Hypnosis. The course contains a number of how to covert hypnosis tips that you can use to starting using covert hypnosis in your day to day life, to your benefit.

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