Friday, April 1, 2011

Covert Hypnosis Manual Techniques to Influence Covertly

If you're looking for a covert hypnosis manual, you have hit the right page.

I have read more covert hypnosis manuals and research papers than anyone that I've ever met in person, or online. I've studied declassified papers on subliminal conditioning and literally everything I've been able to get my hands on over the last several years. I can point you to a great resource that covers everything you've every wanted in a covert hypnosis manual, but were afraid to ask.

Why have I studied covert hypnosis manuals so intently? It's because someone once used those techniques on me and it took me a couple years to really figure out the extent of it. I can tell you first hand, that covert techniques of influence are real and that you should really consider using them for positive - NOT negative influence.

Here are some basics that you'll find in a covert hypnosis manual.

1) Influencing someone by covert means involves influencing them on a level that is below their 'threshold of awareness'. Take this for example... are you aware of the background noise in the room your in now, until I mention it in this article? Are you consciously aware right now of the sensation of your clothing... the feeling of your socks on your feet or the sensation of the chair against your back?

Probably not until I brought it to your attention, right?

That's the first thing that your going to study a covert hypnosis manual. You have to understand that there is a subconscious and a conscious mode of operation in your mind. It's not that you have two separate minds in your head - it's that there are things that you are consciously aware of. Those are typically things that either relate to acquiring new information about the world around you (learning) and those things that are immediately necessary for survival - such as being hungry, having a need to procreate or sleep to recharge your ability to pursue those basic human functions.

Understanding that there are ways to influence people by covert means, or subconscious stimuli being presented below their threshold of awareness is the first step to understanding a covert hypnosis manual.

2) Being aware of yourself. You cannot begin to control your voice tone, gestures, body language and language patterns to influence another human being unless you are first aware of them in the first place.

When you speak, you are probably just like 99.99999999999999% of people that are not even aware of the pitch of their voice. When you get involved in a conversation, you're focus isn't on the particular note that you're hitting when you say certain words.

Controlling those notes and how they related to the way that the person you're talking to speaks, can have a profound impact on the person you're talking to without them being the slightest bit aware that you are consciously influencing their subconscious mind.

When learning from a covert hypnosis manual, I encourage you to focus on positive ways that you can influence others. Don't take advantage of other people as it will surely come back to haunt you if you do.

Learning Covert Hypnosis [] will not happen completely overnight. You will become more and more aware of the world around you and you'll quickly be able to control how your own voice tones and gestures are a stimulus that affects others. Either positively or negatively. You must increase your level of awareness about yourself before you can begin to control your own actions, tones and gestures to affect others. Everyday, we make ourselves more or less attractive in the eyes of others. I encourage you to expand your mind and learn more about covert hypnosis.

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