Saturday, April 2, 2011

Covert Hypnosis - 4 Popular Covert Hypnosis Myths Debunked

To most people, covert hypnosis is a mystery. Many of those who have just "scratched the surface" believe that their knowledge is complete and perfectly accurate. This is how myths are born.

These myths limit the understanding and the practice of covert hypnosis. That is why it is really important for them to be debunked. Discover the facts behind the myths and find out how you can practice this art to your own advantage.

Myth 1: Covert hypnosis does not work on everyone.

This is probably the biggest covert hypnosis myth of all. People who believe this base their belief on the fact that they cannot do it. As master practitioners like to say, "There isn't a person who cannot be influenced. There are only practitioners who cannot influence people."

Fact: Covert hypnosis works on every human being because it exploits mind features that we all have. It influences the subconscious mind, the part of the mind which is responsible for all values, beliefs, desires and instincts that we are not assessing critically, but just acting on.

Provided that the hypnotist can influence the subconscious mind by exploiting its features, he can make the person willing and motivated to do what he wants.

Myth 2: The best way to build rapport is to use mirror imaging.

People believe that this is the best way for building rapport because it is the first psychological method they learn. It is natural to make this mistake, but you have to know the facts.

Fact: Mirror imaging is just one of the ways for building rapport. It is particularly useful when you are having a conversation with a stranger that you want to hypnotize. In such cases, it will work effectively, if performed well, but for best results it has to be combined with voice matching and vocabulary matching.

In general, experts recommend using as many techniques as appropriate for building rapport. It will not be a mistake to use simpler and more traditional methods, such as story telling, sharing or flattering. Just make sure you are using them in the most effective manner.

Myth 3: The only way to get a person into trance is to use trance phrases.

This is perhaps one of the biggest myths in covert hypnosis. Many people who have learned just the basics assume that this is the only method for induction just because it is the most straightforward to understand and to apply. However, this is definitely a wrong notion.

Fact: There are two other main ways for getting a person into trance apart from using trance phrases like "imagine" straightforwardly. These are asking questions and using pattern interrupts.

Instead of saying to someone, "Imagine feeling relaxed", you can readily say, "What do you have to do to feel relaxed?" By answering the question in his mind and verbally, the person will actually get into a state of trance.

Generally, asking question is particularly effective for eliciting a memory for the purposes of covert hypnosis. As the person imagines what he has done and how he has felt at this past moment, he will fall into a deep trance.

Pattern interrupts allow you to get the person into a state of trance very quickly. These involve doing or saying something strange, unexpected or confusing. The person automatically falls into a state of trance by trying to figure out what to make out of what you have said or done. In turn, he will open his subconscious mind to you.

Myth 4: The embedded commands have to be in short commanding sentences.

This myth springs from the notion that traditional hypnosis and covert hypnosis is the same thing. In the traditional method, commands or subliminal suggestions have to be straightforward, but this is not the case in conversational hypnosis.

Fact: Embedded commands are naturally slipped into all sorts of sentences. The hypnotist manipulates the sentences and phrases to make these commands more influential. He can presuppose that the action is done or he can slip the command in a question.

For instance, you can say to your child "After having cleaned your room, you will have the whole day to play outdoors." Similarly, you can ask, "How will you clean your room today?"

Now you know to understand and use covert hypnosis by not trusting the most popular myths. Keep expanding your knowledge to become a skillful and powerful practitioner.

For the absolute best information on covert hypnosis and how to hypnotize, tips tricks and best techniques for making the most of your command of everyone else visit Marc The Hypnosis Guy's website at Here you will discover the finest facts especially for hypnosis junkies like yourself!

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