Sunday, April 3, 2011

The Power of Covert Hypnosis

Covert hypnosis refers to the techniques that are used that can allow one person to have a power that a person over another person's mind and actions, using several hypnotherapy techniques. Covert hypnosis allows you to subtly communicate with another person in a way that causes them to perform some action that you intend, regardless of their own desires and thoughts. When you affect a person's conscious actions and ideas through their unconscious mind, you can affect whether or not you make a sale, change their opinion about you or someone else, or change their stance on an issue. The key is that the other person actually ends up thinking that their decision was a conscious one, a decision that they fully intended.

Covert hypnosis techniques are commonly used by expert salespeople, the ones who become highly skilled at establishing a very solid rapport with customers and then subtly leading them to be unable to resist purchasing products or services. Other people learn to hypnotize others to gain the ability to change their mind about something they intend consciously, and make the opinions of the subject match those of the person doing the hypnotizing.

Covert hypnosis is based on the works of early hypnotist Milton Erickson, who developed ways and trained others to induce hypnotic states in people using conversation and indirect means. Hypnosis induction can result after the listener becomes able to develop a psychological connection with someone and then use the information that the person reveals unintentionally to slowly change that person's thinking.

Learn Covert Hypnosis

Learning covert hypnosis techniques requires that you become highly skilled at "reading people." Learning covert hypnosis using hypnosis CDs is a common way to begin this process. Self hypnosis is helpful, once you learn how to reach a higher level of focus and concentration for yourself, you can then apply those same techniques to hypnosis induction in others. When you learn how to hypnotize others, you have a strong tool that helps you gain the results you want from nearly any other person or any situation.

Hypnosis mind control is a powerful method of "getting your way" in certain situations. To learn hypnosis is to learn how to use gestures, body language, particular phrases, and conversational structures to guide another person to your own desires. While you are using strong intention and focus, you are indirectly causing another person to "see your point of view" and ultimately accept it as their own. The other person will be completely unaware of being hypnotized.

Whether you try hypnosis CDs to learn the techniques or you try to learn using free hypnosis training programs, the results will help you gain cooperation from others that has previously escaped you. Covert hypnosis is a powerful tool, whether you are trying to convince someone of your position or make money selling a product or service. The power of covert hypnosis lies with the person using the techniques, and can result in a higher degree of success if you are trying to convince another person of your position.

Colleen Lilly is a blogger who writes about transformational energy healing. Healing the Mind Body and Soul. Healing yourself begins the healing of the world, one person at a time. Colleen is the author of the Conversational Hypnosis ebook at Understand how the Power of Persuasion Can Bring You Every Happiness in Life! Follow Colleen's Transformational blog at

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